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China's Polyurethane Market Comes Into the Rapid Development Period
UPDATE:2011/6/21 9:27:54   FROM:   CLICK:2733   AUTHOR:

PUdaily, Shanghai-Currently, as thermal insulation material, polyurethane rigid foam composite is widely used in downstream refrigerator&freeze industry, cold line logistics industry, construction industry and solar water heater industry, etc.
As refrigeration industry booms rapidly, China has become the fastest growing country in global polyurethane's development and demands. In addition, China's polyurethane market will go up powerfully and it is predicted that North China will keep 7.7% growth rate in the next ten years.

It is reported that some leading rigid foam composite manufacturers in China have respective advantages in capacity, supply and application field. Along with development of refrigeration industry, the activities of "solar energy goes into countryside" and solar roofs system as well as the popularization of low carbon notion, the application scopes of polyurethane will expand further.

Furthermore, due to the publishment of domestic building energy saving standards, polyurethane's growing applications in construction and insulation industry will become one inevitable trend and apart from that, the application in construction material market will enter into a high development period.

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